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Instant Access to Huemn with Google Sign in

New Feature

Great news for all Huemn users!


We're excited to announce that signing into your Huemn account just got a whole lot easier. Forget about keeping track of another password – you can now use your Google account to log in with a single click!

google sign in


Key Benefits:

  • Streamlined access: Use your existing Google credentials.
  • Enhanced security: Leverage Google’s secure authentication.
  • Quick setup: Get started with Huemn faster than ever.


How It Works:

Simply click the "Sign In with Google" button on the login page, choose your Google account, and you'll be automatically signed into your Huemn workspace. It's that easy!

Screenshot 2024-04-18 183421

Your feedback is vital to us as we continue to improve and streamline your Huemn experience.

Enjoy the ease of use and let us know what you think!


Signup using Google

Implementing Google Sign-Up would greatly benefit our experience and engagement with the platform. Simplified Registration: As a user, I often find the initial sign-up process for platforms to be a bit cumbersome. Integrating Google Sign-Up would streamline this process significantly. Instead of creating and remembering another set of login credentials, I can simply use my existing Google account, saving time and effort. Improved Accessibility: Offering Google Sign-Up would make it easier for my team members to join and collaborate within Huemn CRM. Many professionals already rely on Google services for work, and having a seamless integration with our CRM platform would enhance accessibility and encourage wider adoption across our organization. Integration with Existing Tools: Personally, I rely heavily on Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) for my daily tasks. Having the option to sign in with my Google account would align Huemn CRM more closely with my existing workflow, facilitating seamless integration and making it easier to manage tasks and data across platforms. User-Friendly Experience: Ultimately, implementing Google Sign-Up would contribute to a more user-friendly experience within Huemn CRM. This convenience factor not only improves satisfaction but also encourages regular usage and adoption of the platform among team members. I believe that integrating Google Sign-Up into Huemn CRM would not only benefit individual users like myself but also contribute to the overall success and growth of our CRM implementation within our organization. Thank you for considering this enhancement. I'm excited about the potential improvements it could bring to our CRM experience.

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